THE GREAT ICE AGE… from a Creationist’s Perspective


System Climate Change Brainwashing in Question
The public is being brainwashed about climate change in the same way they have been brainwashed about evolution. Both of these ideologies repeat the same lie. The lie is that both manmade climate change and evolution are based upon scientific evidence. These counterfeit ideas attract zealots who promote their own political agendas rooted in atheistic naturalism. They build altars to the millions of years of slow change where the planet Earth allegedly spins by forces of nature that push God out of the equation. Like evolution, manmade climate change has become an extremely important topic that proponents believe should be taught in our schools to the next generation. This process of indoctrination begins with the new national science standards, “The Next Generation Science Standards.” They want to implement these standards in grade school and they have already been adopted by most of the states. They emphasize both evolution and climate change characterizing them as being essential to the national and worldwide survival of the planet.

The controversial definition of “climate change” is really global warming caused by man’s activities. Man is blamed for the production of carbon dioxide mainly through the use of fossils fuels. This process allegedly began in the mid 20th century as the Industrial Age expanded producing higher levels of carbon dioxide. Although carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the greenhouse gases, it represents about 3 to 4 % of the atmosphere, while water vapor occupies the largest segment of greenhouse gases averaging 33 % to 70 % worldwide. When the amount of CO2 produced exclusively by man’s activities is factored in, the percentage drops to less than 1 % of all the greenhouse gases. Such a small percentage of CO2 cannot affect any discernible temperature increases.

Historically, there are periods of global warming and there times of global cooling, but these normal periods of temperature fluctuations never result in cataclysmic events. Still, the climate change alarmists tell us that glaciers are receding and the polar ice caps are melting. They forecast ocean levels will rise to astronomical heights destroying property and taking many lives. Climate change advocates love to point to man as the villain who must be opposed with their politically-driven agendas and their expensive government programs. All of this is justified by junk science in opposition to what true science predicts will happen. The public is blinded and confused, so they are not aware that scientists are in disagreement as to whether or not manmade global warming is even taking place. Temperature charts derived from data taken from satellites give an accurate zigzag pattern that demonstrates the current heating trend is reversing itself. There is more and more data being collected as well as a significant number of defectors leaving the climate change movement.

A survey of meteorologists was conducted in 2012 by the American Meteorological Society (AMS). When researchers at George Mason and Yale Universities examined the results, it revealed 48% of the meteorologists surveyed denied there was any significant manmade climate change. More importantly, many believe that CO2 was not the cause of global warming, but a result of it. Careful analysis of temperature variations and carbon dioxide levels over thousands of years actually support the hypothesis that heating took place first followed by CO2 increases. The oceans, land, vegetation and many other contributors release CO2 into the atmosphere when temperatures increase over long periods of time. Global warming alarmists have been able to influence gullible politicians, but have failed to get a major foothold in the scientific community, because the evidence is in question.

Another factor that needs to be considered is the immense difficulty of predicting long range climate events. The prediction of weather works well in the short term of days or weeks, but it begins to lose its accuracy as time spans lengthen. This is due to the finicky nature of a myriad of variables in the atmosphere. Every year there are the customary predictions regarding the number of major hurricanes that is a basic concern for Floridians who live on a peninsula. Most of these long-term forecasts are not very accurate, so how can we trust these naysayers and their climate changing predictions? If you are interested in more factual evidence concerning the fallacy of manmade climate change, go to our website at

Perhaps we need to depend on God, the Creator of this amazing planet with its history of cyclic weather patterns that, like a swinging pendulum, are in constant flux. Our planet is resilient, because of its Creator, Whose goodness and glory can be seen by everyone. He created it to endure. Rest assured that He designed this planet for the benefit of man, so that he could subdue it and inhabit it. Only deceived man could introduce this prideful lie that his own activities are destroying the planet, thereby blaming the coming holocaust on minuscule amounts of an innocuous, non-poisonous gas such as carbon dioxide. It defies common sense as well as God’s Word. In Psalm 33:5, we are reminded that the earth belongs to the Lord, “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”

The Great Ice Age
Historically, there is one catastrophic event mentioned in the Bible that could have produce dramatic worldwide climate change. The Genesis Flood was the result of God’s judgment to destroy by water every creature that breathes air. The Flood covered the earth and it gave rise to global cooling that resulted in the Ice Age. We would like to share with you how this happened in the light of God’s Word, and show you how it is supported by the evidence at hand. We will attempt to answer these basic questions below, so that you will see how God’s Word is affirmed by this grand Ice Age in the biblical context of a young earth.

How many Ice Ages have there been? You may have heard that there have been multiple ice ages, but there is no hard scientific evidence for more than one Ice Age. According to the evolutionary model, the last Ice Age in the Late Wisconsin Glacier Period took place about 10, 000 years ago. It was the largest of all the alleged ice ages occupying one third of the earth and erasing all geological evidence of the preceding eras. All evidence, including ice core data, that has been produced, is not very compelling. Larry Vardiman, who has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, conducted extensive studies on the Ice Age. Dr. Vardiman reports, “Nothing in the ice-core data from either Greenland or Antarctica requires the earth to be of great age. In fact, there are good reasons to believe that the ice cores are revealing important information about conditions following the Flood of Genesis and the recent formation of thick ice sheets.” [] As creationists, we believe there was only one major Ice Age, and the evidence is on our side.

An Ice Age doesn’t just start by accident!
We have reasons to believe in one ice age. The Ice Age was a major event requiring a major cause. We simply don’t see any mechanism that is capable of generating an ice age within the normal cycles of climatic change that our planet experiences today. In fact, we would argue that such an event could only be triggered by a worldwide catastrophe of Biblical proportions. The only reasonable candidate for such a catastrophe was the worldwide flood of Noah’s day. “From whose womb comes the ice? And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth?” Job 38:29

So when was the Ice Age?
If Noah’s flood triggered the Ice Age, then it would have started right after the flood, which occurred somewhere around 2348 BC. The Ice Age is thought to have peaked about 500 years later followed by a warming period for another 200 years.

How does a flood trigger an Ice Age?
From the descriptions in the book of Genesis, we understand that Noah’s flood was accompanied by a monumental amount of volcanic activity. The earth’s crust was literally ripped apart all over the planet, both on land and under the oceans.

This occurred both during the onset of the flood, and most likely continued after the flood. The oceans were actually warmed as a result of coming into contact with hot magma and underground, super-heated water sources. Meanwhile, volcanic ash was being spewed into the upper atmosphere, almost blotting out the sun’s rays. “On that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened,” Genesis 7:11.

In the years and decades following the Flood, the lack of sunlight would have caused the land masses to become colder and colder. However, the seas stored their increased warmth for a longer period. Warm oceans created both a large-scale evaporation of ocean water and very strong convection currents in the atmosphere. These carried the moisture-laden air over the cold land masses where it fell as snow. And, over time, this snow became compacted into ice.

How did the Ice Age affect man and creatures?
After the flood, the evaporation from the warm oceans was so severe that, by most estimates, the ocean levels were actually at least 300 feet below today’s sea level. The evaporated water was trapped as snow and ice, unable to return back to the oceans for many years to come. This exposed the land all the way out to what we now refer to as the “continental shelf,” the extended perimeter of each continent that appears just off the coast. As explored in the book and DVD, “Ice Age Civilizations” (available on u-tube), there is much evidence of cities being built along ancient coastlines. During the peak of the Ice Age, just like today, man’s inclination was to build cities right at the ocean’s edge. One reason for this was to allow for trade and seaports. However, the other reason is that the ocean’s edge would, at some latitudes, have been the only place to find warmer weather due to air blowing off the ocean during this hard-to-survive Ice Age. Little did they know that the newly exposed coastline was only temporary, remaining only until the ice began to melt and sea levels began to rise.

Migration to Warmer Climates: It is important to point out that the ice did not cover the entire planet. In North America, ice sheets and glaciers came as far South as the Ohio River Valley covering about a one third of the planet.

The warmer coastlines would have created a “corridor” that was used by animals to migrate toward warmer climates nearer the equator. Some creatures, however, did not have migratory instincts or they were simply not near enough to the ocean. They would have died off because they were trapped at the colder latitudes. Dinosaurs likely fell into this category. Dinosaurs were created on the sixth day of Creation week along with man, not millions of years before man as evolutionists try to teach. What’s more, dinosaurs got onto the Ark and dinosaurs came off the Ark, but they stepped out into a very different world where it was more difficult for them to survive.

The drastic lowering of the sea level also created “land bridges” connecting the continents as well as many island chains to the mainland. Add to this the creatures’ need to distance themselves from predators and establish their own territories, and it explains how they migrated to a more hospitable environment.

Ice Age Fossilization: One final effect of the Ice Age was that warm oceans and cold land masses created the perfect “recipe” for weather patterns that could potentially produce more frequent and intense storms. These hurricane-like storms would have devastating effects with wind-driven rain over vast areas destroying anything in its path. It would also produce the typical destructive flooding that comes as a result of these powerful storms.

These abnormal Ice Age weather conditions are the best explanation for the thorough mixing of land and sea fossils that we find across the entire Florida peninsula all the way up to the eastern shores of South Carolina. In many of the fossils beds that typify these areas, there are remains of mammoth bones and other land dwellers mixed up with bones from whales, dolphins, sting rays, sharks and all manner of marine life. The best explanation for this mixing of fossils in loose sediment is that they were both picked up and strewn together by a massive wind vortex, and/or they were pushed there by a tsunami that washed over the entire Florida peninsula. In other words, Florida’s fossils, unlike most fossils around the world, were not deposited by the Flood itself, but by its after effects. “From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind, And cold from the scattering winds of the north. By the breath of God ice is given, And the broad waters are frozen,” Job 37: 9-10.

Extinct Ice Age Creatures: Gigantism is found in many of the Ice Age creatures. There were mammoths the size of giraffes reaching 17 feet in height, sloths 18 feet tall, beavers the size of black bears, armadillos foraging for food the size of a Volkswagen and muscular saber tooth cats the size of an adult female lion on the hunt with two extremely large canine teeth protruding out of its mouth. The oceans were also filled with massive creatures like the giant megalodon sharks that measured 50 and 60 feet in length with many huge serrated teeth in mouths when open measuring 6 to 7 feet. These creatures are representative of what one might witness during the Ice Age right after the Flood.

In the 1990’s, Michael Oard, a professional meteorologist and dedicated creation researcher, demonstrated a model that was addressed in this letter. He has authored numerous articles and books on this subject. He has clearly demonstrated that the Genesis Flood was the key to understanding the Ice Age. His work will enable any Christian to articulate the truth concerning the Ice Age from a biblical perspective. We are offering a three DVD series featuring Michael Oard’s dynamic and fascinating explanation in a documentary format. We would like to send you this informative DVD series entitled “The Great Ice Age.” You will definitely have a glimpse of the past from a unique and biblically accurate perspective.

Is Evolution a Scientific Fact?

Evolution is widely accepted as indisputable scientific fact when, in truth, it is a system of belief.
Our everyday lives revolve around science and technology. The cars we drive, the food we eat, and the vitamins we take are the result of the application of some scientific principle. Just as science is important to everyday life, so it sets foundational principles by which evidence is acquired, analyzed, and transmitted.

Science is a process in which we procure knowledge from empirical data. The data are from what we observe and record with our senses. Science is a systematic study of the world around us based on observations, classifications, and descriptions that can lead to experimental investigation and theoretical explanations. Both deductive and inductive reasoning are employed in the scientific process. The National Academy of Science in the 1998 publication, Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science, confines the activity of science to empirical evidence, stating that, “Explanations that cannot be based on empirical evidence are not a part of science.” (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press p. 27)

Valid science must have integrity, dependability, reliability, and be trustworthy. How can you come to true conclusions with experimental data is falsified? Testing and measuring are also important tools for verification. When scientific research is reported in scientific journals, it should be written so that experimental procedures can be repeated, since repeatability is another tool used for verification.

Science relies on observation, fact, hypothesis, theory, and law. These can be defined, briefly as follows.

Observations: Describing or measuring what one senses.

Fact: Based on repeated observations that can be confirmed.

Hypothesis: A statement that can be tested so that inferences and conclusions can be explained.Theory: A general explanation into which facts and experimental conclusions can be incorporated, so as to allow for predictions to be made.

Law: A functional generalization that has stood the test of time and can be relied on to make accurate predictions.Creationists and evolutionists do science the same way—with one very important exception. Creation scientists bring to their investigation the presupposition, based on God’s Word, that man is finite and fallible and in need of the revelation contained in God’s Word. Along with evolutionists, the creationist agrees on the importance of peer review and self correction by means of the scientific process detailed above. However, the two camps differ because the creationist brings to his scientific endeavor a belief in the absolute truth of the Word of God.

Science, by definition, only deals with material things. It is said to be naturalistic. Therefore scientific evidence explains material questions about the universe. Science is not a worldview. By itself, it is a neutral mechanism that gives us tools to acquire and examine evidence. Both creationists and evolutionists depend on science to acquire, analyze, and transmit data to build working models to support theories and laws.

“The raw materials of science are our observations of the phenomena of the natural universe. Science—unlike art, religion, or philosophy—is limited to what is observable and measurable and, in this sense, is roughly categorized as materialistic” (CURTIS, HELENA and BARNES, N. SUE: Biology, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York 1989, p 17)

Science is a tool that gives a glimpse of truth. It is limited because it excludes man’s inner spirit, motivations, and goals. It fails desperately in defining inner qualities, such as truthfulness, generosity, and love. Man’s spiritual nature—the repository of his faith, convictions, and worldview—is not susceptible to scientific inquiry. Science’s reality is the material world only. It is not competent to reach conclusions about realms beyond.

Science, however, is not naturalism. Naturalism is a belief system that states that all truth can be found only through empirical data—by the investigation of the material universe. Naturalism eliminates God, the Bible, and the spiritual nature of man. Only what can be observed in the material world is said to bring us to ultimate truth. Naturalism can be classified as a worldview, because it is a framework for understanding reality that arises not from observation but from an a priori conviction about what is real (the material universe) and what is not real (God). Naturalism is the philosophical underpinning to evolution—one which evolution assumes but cannot prove. Nor does it make the attempt. Rather, naturalism is simply adopted, without evidence or argument, as the self-evidently correct worldview.

Evolutionists hold tenaciously to this belief system because it is so necessary and congenial to the idea of upward and gradual change from atoms and molecules to complex living systems. Naturalism supports the evolutionist idea that natural random mechanisms without a plan or outside intelligence assembled reality. It eliminates the work of God and is implicitly atheistic.

Naturalism does not explicitly deny the mere existence of God, but it does deny that a supernatural being could in any way influence natural events, such as evolution, or (communicate with natural creatures like ourselves. Scientific naturalism makes the same point by starting with the assumption that science, which studies only the natural, is our only reliable path to knowledge. A God who can never do anything that makes a difference, and of whom we can have no reliable knowledge, is of no importance to us (JOHNSON, PHILLIP E: Darwin on Trial, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois 1991, p 115.)

Evolution disguised as science promotes the religion of naturalism, an idea which when applied, has led, as will be demonstrated in chapter five, to horrible pain, suffering, and the death of millions. The Basic IdeasIn summary, it is important to remember the following about evolutionary presuppositions: First, evolution assumes slow and gradual change over unimaginable eons—millions of years for life and billions of years for the heavenly universe. Many different explanations, without consensus, are offered to explain how this process took place. Second, evolution assumes that the organizing force for life is internal and depends on random chance, a presupposition that eliminates any outside intelligent creative force. Third, evolution dismisses intelligence and assumes random chance to be the mechanism responsible for material reality—which, owing to its naturalistic presupposition, is the only reality there is. Evolution, therefore, is an irrational belief.

The basic premise of creationism is that all living and nonliving systems have their origins from an outside source with infinite intelligence. This infinite intelligence is referred to as Christ the Creator, the One who spoke everything into existence. Long periods of time are not needed. The events of creation are recorded in the Bible’s Genesis account. The physical evidence indicates that the cosmos is the work of an intelligent designer and planner. Creation, again, is a unique event that cannot be repeated and therefore cannot be observed in the present. Finally, creation, because it relies on an intelligent Creator is a rational belief that presupposes the existence of a Creator God.

Recommended Resources: The Biblical Basis for Modern Science

Big Bang or Big Bust Concept: Big Bang Cosmology violates fundamental scientific principles and cannot be classified as an observable event.

The Big Bang is the popularized version of evolutionary cosmology. It states that matter, energy, and space were all compressed many billions of times smaller than a proton and then exploded for some undetermined reason to create an expanding universe which continues to spread today. There are presently some 50 theories proposed by cosmologists to explain the Big Bang, all of which are nothing but mathematical models. Why so many theories? It is apparent that the verdict is still out.

If the Big Bang is true as presented by the cosmologists, they must have scientific ground to stand on. To propose that the universe came about by a big explosion has far-reaching implications that affect every human being. For cosmic evolution to be accepted the questions below must be answered not just with speculative theory or creative mathematical formulations, but with hard empirical evidence.

1. What causes particles of matter to coalesce into heavenly bodies?

This basic question has to be answered. If the Big Bang caused matter and energy to separate and move outward at tremendous speeds, at some time that matter had to coalesce and come together. The explanation offered is that as cooling occurs; particles slow down and clump together. The problem is, however, that these celestial objects are moving at relatively high speeds away from each other. There is no empirical evidence to support the star formation theory proposed by evolutionary cosmologists. No star or galaxy has ever been seen to form in space from star gas. As the Harvard astrophysicist, Abraham Loeb stated, “The truth is that we don’t understand star formation at a fundamental level.” (Abram Loeb, as cited by Marcus Chown, “Let there be Light,” New Scientist, vol. 157, February 7, 1998 p.30)

2.Can an explosion produce order?

The second law of thermodynamics, as noted above, tends to bring a system to disorder. The cosmos is not exempt from the second law. When one observes the universe, the second law is apparent everywhere. The sun is wearing down slowly; stars are burning out and even exploding. It is obvious that the second law of disorder is here to stay.

Big Bang theory contradicts the Second Law because it requires particles to organize and cohere on a cosmic scale. There is no scientific evidence for this claim. It is much like the expectation that dropping a nuclear bomb on a mountain will yield neat piles of earth rather than utter destruction. What we see in the universe is directly opposite to the expectation of evolutionary cosmologists. We observe a decaying universe whose order of complexity is in decline. Evolution Cosmology directly defies this great law of science.

3. What was before the Big Bang?

While some say that matter and energy are eternal and were always present, the question remains: Where did everything come from? It had to come from an outside source. How did it begin? Again, the answer is that an outside source initiated it. Everything observed has a beginning and an end. Matter and energy are no exceptions. The beginning came from an outside source: God.

4. Is expansion of the universe observable?

Red shifts – the movement of light coming from objects in space to the red end of the spectrum – are regarded as evidence for the expansion of the universe. However, there are some 50 models for the process of expansion. There is confusion and little consensus on this issue. That is not surprising. After all, one is dealing with a gigantic universe from a limited frame of reference. There are no clear answers at this time, just creative speculation. This is illustrated by cosmology’s concept for the beginning—what has been termed the “cosmic egg.”

Never observed, the cosmic egg idea for the origin of the universe takes the universe backwards in time and shrinks all matter down many billions of times smaller than a single proton. The idea that all matter and energy could be collected in one place staggers the imagination, and, of course, has no empirical foundation. Yet, there are mathematical models that depict the precise fraction of a second when this took place. This is presented as scientific fact and needs to be challenged.

Recommended Resource: Dismantling the Big Bang

World views at War

Conflict of “World Views”
Arguments about Creation versus Evolution inevitably boil down to what is called one’s “world view”. There is one “camp” who believe that life as we know it was created by a superior being, a deity which most would call God. There is another camp who has bought into the concept of “evolution”, popularized by the works of Charles Darwin in his 1959 book “Origin of Species”.

The creationist camp believes that life started “high” (in terms of complexity and function) and has gradually deteriorated over time through disease, destructive mutations and extinctions.

The evolutionist camp believes that life started “low” (chance combination of chemicals) and evolved through undirected forces of nature and beneficial mutations to become ever more complex over eons of time. There are many confused people somewhere in the middle who perhaps want to believe the former (after all, the existence of God gives us a sense of purpose in this life and a hope for eternal life), but through decades of indoctrination have perhaps come to put some degree of faith in the teachings of evolution.

The teaching of evolution has been one of the most cunning, subversive and deceitful tools employed by the secular world in its “War on God”, and its attempt to undermine Christianity in particular.

A Shifting Public Mindset

2008 marks the release of a major motion picture “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, starring Ben Stein. In this documentary-style movie, we see that public science policy and dogma is forged by the elite few who control our media, and our institutions such as universities, museums, and of course, organizations like the NAS. We begin to realize that perhaps our science institutions are home to many quiet dissenters who dare not speak up for fear of losing their very livelihoods.

But here’s the interesting statistic: Based on a 2005 poll, 64% of Americans believe they were created directly by God. Only 22% fully buy into the theory of evolution. When compared with a similar poll taken nearly a decade earlier, we see that public opinion has been slowly shifting toward creation and away from evolution. This, despite gargantuan efforts to brainwash the public over many decades that evolution is a “fact”, the outright censorship of the creation message, and attempts to paint “creationists” as a fringe group of simple-minded, uneducated fanatics.

The stance being taken by the NAS is a huge gamble for them, because evidence and logic are simply not on their side, as we’ll illustrate in the pages to follow. It is by no means certain that the NAS will win the battle for public “mind share” over the long term. If they lose this battle they’ve so purposefully picked, then the price they pay for it could be devastating.

The Word of God versus The Word of Man

Let’s be clear: the Theory of Evolution stands in direct defiance to the Word of God as recorded in the Holy Bible. There can be no middle ground. The two concepts are polar opposites. Although many confused souls try to do so, logically one cannot believe in both the God of the Bible and in evolution, any more than one could believe in both atheism and creation.

CREATION aligns itself with BELIEF AND FAITH IN GOD, EVOLUTION aligns itself with ATHEISM!

There are well over 100 passages in the bible that speak of God’s creation. The NAS publication, despite taking aim at the inherently biblical subject of creation, totally ignores what the Word of God has to say on this subject. Not one verse from the bible is even examined in their document. Our purpose is to set the record straight from both a biblical and scientific standpoint.

We believe our scientific arguments are sound enough to stand on their own strengths, as we realize (sadly, in today’s world) that many skeptics will simply reject biblical testimony as being irrelevant. However we cannot simply brush aside what the Bible has to say on this matter that – by its very nature – has biblical teaching at its core. So we will include biblical references to reinforce, without diminishing, our scientific analysis.